Ah, My little sewing machine...A very basic Brother XL. It is a little clunky when it sewed, tried to pull fabric a bit to the right but overall good basic machine.
Yesterday my mother-in-law told me that I should pick up one of her machines to work on. (She is truly a talented seamstress)
Enter in.....The Bernina Artista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Krautdogs Batman!!! This thing does everything but bring in your mail! It's computerized, does embroidery, sews as smooth as bud-dah and is soooo quiet when it sews!!!
So I played with my new toy last night and fell in love. Today I'll do some piecing and I just can't wait!
You go girl! That looks sa-weet! I've longed for a Bernina since meeting Freda's 1230 machine. Jealous! But happy for ya!